合作共善 Collaborate in Practicing

策略方針與承諾         Strategic Direction and Commitment        

Welfare and
Happy City
Sustainable Development
Cycle of Love
以《安穩家園、美善社區》計畫,為獨居長者及弱勢家庭進行居家安全改善、長者照顧、愛心共餐、貧童助學以及其他社會慈善需求等事項。 Our “Stable Home and Beautiful Community Project” aims to provide home-safety improvements for older adults living alone, senior care, meal sharing, education subsidies for economically disadvantaged children, and other charity initiatives for underprivileged families.
為各級單位人員及社會大眾、機關團體學校等,提供防救災教育訓練、建立慈善救災合作機制等。 Provide education and training in disaster prevention and relief, and establish a charity cooperation mechanism for personnel at all levels, the public, government organizations and schools, etc.
針對環保教育、防疫宣導、推廣素食及減塑行動,達成生態永續、清淨大地、健康身心等目標。 Aiming at environmental protection education, epidemic prevention propaganda, promotion of vegetarian and plastic reduction, achieve the goals of ecological sustainability, clean land and healthy body and mind.
持續針對機構、校園進行互動、關懷,傳遞正信價值、孝道倫理、行善精神,以達家庭溫馨、社會祥和目標。 Continue to interact and care for institutions and campuses, and convey the values of faithfulness, filial piety ethics and the spirit of doing good deeds, so as to achieve the goal of family warmth and social harmony.

合作共善 智慧防災         Collaborate in Practicing Smart Disaster Prevention        

目標:快速反應提供及時救難賑災協助,並視各災難不同衍生相關需求,與各專業合作夥伴,規劃完善脫困之工程。 Our goal is to quickly respond to provide timely rescue and relief assistance and collaborate with various professional partners to plan and improve disaster relief projects according to needs.

在過去救災經驗中得知,災害複雜程度越來越高,尊重生命、人命無價,我們與更多專業團體合作,平日建立默契,災時分工合作,以提供救災時最即時、正確的資訊,提供最專業的後援。 We have learned from past disaster relief experiences that the complexity of disasters is increasing, and we must respect priceless human lives. Therefore, we have partnered with more professional groups to establish a tacit understanding to join efforts during disaster relief, with the goal of providing timely and accurate information during disaster events and offer professional backup.

本會平日推動各項防賑災工作,提昇防救災專業,深耕於防災、減災、備災、應變、復原、重建各項工作,更積極拓展與各領域專業機構組織建立合作夥伴關係。 The Foundation engages in various disaster prevention and relief operations. Its goal is to improve disaster prevention and relief professionalism in terms of disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction. We will continue expanding our partnerships with professional institutions and organizations in various fields.

我們自2019年起,陸續與國內11個中央部會及學術機構、21個地方政府簽訂合作備忘錄促進交流,透過政府與民間合作共同推動慈善防災的能量,更促進效率與效能,發揮正向影響力,並以慈善關懷、防災教育、生態環保、公益人文等面向的跨界合作,讓人人能發揮互愛、共好的精神。 Since 2019 we have successively signed memorandums of cooperation with 11 central ministries and academic institutions as well as 21 local governments to promote exchanges. The goal is to jointly promote charity and disaster prevention through government/civilian cooperation to promote efficiency and performance, exert a positive influence, and enable everyone to exert the spirit of mutual love and common good through interdisciplinary collaboration in charitable care, disaster prevention education, ecological/environmental protection, public welfare, and humanities.

民間企業機構         Private Enterprise Institutions        

  1. 國家災害防救科技中心(NCDR)National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR)
  2. 臺北市立大學市政管理學院College of City Management, University of Taipei
  3. 交通部中央氣象局Central Weather Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
  4. 苗栗縣政府Miaoli County Government
  5. 國家實驗研究院國家地震工程研究中心National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering
  6. 國立科學工藝博物館National Science and Technology Museum
  7. 台南市政府Tainan City Government
  8. 嘉義縣政府ChiaYi County Government
  9. 國立臺北科技大學National Taipei University of Technology
  10. 彰化縣政府ChangHua County Government
  11. 行政院環境保護署Environmental Protection Administration, The Executive Yuan
  12. 嘉義市政府ChiaYi City Government
  13. 經濟部水利署Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  14. 臺北市政府Taipei City Government
  15. 國家實驗研究院National Applied Research Laboratories
  16. 新竹縣政府HsinChu County Government
  17. 新北市政府New Taipei City Government
  18. 花蓮縣政府Hualien County Government
  19. 雲林縣政府Yunlin County Government
  20. 屏東縣政府PingTung County Government
  21. 桃園市政府Taoyuan City Government
  22. 南投縣政府Nantou County Government
  23. 台東縣政府Taitung County Government
  24. 台灣設計研究院Taiwan Design Research Institute
  25. 宜蘭縣政府Yilan County Government
  26. 臺中市政府
    Taichung City Government
    Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture
  27. 高雄市政府KaoHsiung City Government
  28. 海巡署中分署Coast Guard Administration
  29. 基隆市政府Keelung City Government
  30. 台灣自來水公司Water Company Corporation
  31. 南投名間鄉公所Nantou County Mingjian Township Office
  32. 金門縣政府Kinmen County Government
  33. 新竹市政府Hsinchu City Government
  34. 工業技術研究院Industrial Technology Research Institute
  35. 南投草屯鎮公所Nantou County Caotun Township Office
  36. 內政部消防署Carrefour Corporation
  37. 家樂福股份有限公司National Fire Agency

國際參與 協力永續         International Participation Collaboration for Sustainability        

全球四大不調,地水火風等氣候災難發生之嚴重性與影響範圍日趨增大,我們從賑災經驗,反饋至全球人道救援及防救災等重大議題。 The world’s climate is undergoing increasingly drastic changes due to the imbalance of the four elements of nature (earth, water, fire, and wind). We have applied our disaster relief experiences to help resolve major issues such as global humanitarian aid.

我們也積極參與聯合國相關事務,在組織平臺上跟全球與組織分享經驗並適時給予建言,也在世界各地參與推動各項永續發展的計畫,共同為人類的福祉而努力。 We have actively participated in UN affairs to share our experience with the world’s organizations and give timely advice through the organization’s platform. We also engaged in various sustainable development projects worldwide to work together for the well-being of humanity.

身為宗教型的慈善組織,我們不忘致力以宗教情懷推動大愛精神及行動,帶動共知、共識與共行,積極參與國際型重要會議,以人道救援、氣候變遷及環保、青年公益、婦女慈善參與等議題為主軸,在國際主流平臺分享慈濟志工在全球的慈善足跡,啟發更多人投入善行,獲得聯合國多元信仰顧問委員會(IATF)任命為其信仰組織評議會(MFAC)聯合主席之一,自2022年1月1日生效,為期兩年,為人權、和平、永續發展等議題盡心力。 As a philanthropic religious organization, we strive to promote the spirit of great love under religious principles to drive common knowledge, consensus, and action. We aim to actively participate in important international conferences and focus on topics such as humanitarian aid, climate change, environmental protection, youth public welfare, and charitable participation by women. The goal is to share Tzu Chi volunteers’ global charity footprints on mainstream international platforms and inspire more people to do good deeds. We were appointed by the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to co-chair its Multi-Faith Advisory Council (MFAC). The appointment took effect on January 1, 2022 for a period of two years, and we strive to do our best on human rights, peace, and sustainable development issues.

2022年烏俄戰役之際,我們在烏克蘭及周邊國家的人道救援包括直接的經濟援助、救濟物資和對波蘭難民的協助關懷及醫療援助、婦女兒童保護、心理社會援助、食品運送和其他類型的難民和難民援助。為擴大援助逃難到波蘭、羅馬尼亞、摩爾多瓦的烏克蘭民眾,更與聯合國兒童基金會、以色列國際人道救援組織、天主教靈醫會國際醫療暨災難服務委員會和波蘭婦女基金會等,建立了合作夥伴關係和合作協議。 Our humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and surrounding countries during the Russia-Ukraine War in 2022 includes direct financial assistance, relief supplies, assisted care, medical assistance for Polish refugees, protection for women and children, psychosocial assistance, food delivery, and other types of refugee assistance. We have also established cooperation agreements with UNICEF, IsraAID, Camillian Disaster Service International, Polish Women Can Foundation, and other organizations to strengthen assistance to Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland, Romania, and Moldova.

慈濟所投入對烏克蘭民眾之人道援助行動,獲「聯合國救濟網」重視,並以專文報導慈濟在波蘭援助烏克蘭民眾,文章標題為「慈濟向烏克蘭難民發放4萬5千張購物卡」說明慈濟在烏克蘭及周邊國家的人道救援包括直接的經濟援助、救濟物資和對波蘭難民的協助關懷,以及醫療援助、婦女兒童保護、心理社會援助、食品運送和其他類型的難民和難民援助。為擴大援助逃難到波蘭、羅馬尼亞、摩爾多瓦的烏克蘭民眾,慈濟與聯合國兒童基金會、以色列國際人道救援組織、天主教靈醫會國際醫療暨災難服務委員會和波蘭婦女基金會等,建立了合作夥伴關係和合作協議。 Tzu Chi’s humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people was recognized by the United Nations Relief Network, which issued a special article to report Tzu Chi’s efforts to help the Ukrainian people in Poland. The article, which was titled “Tzu Chi Distributed 45,000 Gift and Cash Cards to Ukrainian Refugees,” described Tzu Chi’s humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and surrounding countries during the Russia-Ukraine War.

「聯合國救濟網」的專文也提到,自2022年2月24日,俄烏衝突發生後,波蘭已接納超過300萬烏克蘭難民,慈濟志工在華沙、盧布林和波茲南等城市發放購物卡、環保毛毯、和其他救援物資。截至21日,已有超過8000人收到價值2000PLN(波蘭貨幣)購物卡,而在接下來的幾個月中,慈濟計劃再發放近 3萬7千張購物卡;同時也將透過與「天主教靈醫會國際醫療暨災難服務委員會」(CADIS)的合作,為波蘭的難民婦女和兒童提供長期的住房和社會心理支持,並為波蘭境內的3萬名國內流離失所者提供食物和其他救濟品。 The United Nations Relief Network article notes that since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine War on February 24, 2022, Poland had accepted over 3 million Ukrainian refugees. Tzu Chi volunteers have distributed gift and cash cards, eco-friendly blankets, and other relief materials in cities such as Warsaw, Lublin, and Poznań. Over 8,000 people have received gift and cash cards worth 2,000 PLN (Polish currency) as of May 21, and Tzu Chi plans to issue nearly 37,000 more gift and cash cards over the next few months. Tzu Chi has also collaborated with CADIS to provide long-term housing and psychosocial support to refugee women and children, in addition to providing food and other relief items to 30,000 internally displaced persons in Poland.

我們懷著服務人類的共同使命,相信跨宗教合作能在各方面幫助難民,感謝所有十方大德的捐款和支持,一個人的力量可能很小,一群人的力量可以共同扶持走得更遠。 With the common mission of serving humanity, we believe inter-religious cooperation can help refugees in all aspects. We are grateful for the donations and support from all walks of life. The strength of one person may be small, but the power of a collective group can help everyone to go further.